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Kicho Camelia Sleeping Pack Review

review KICHO Camelia Sleeping Pack

Today, I'll be reviewing another Kicho product from BNT News! I've previously reviewed a few other Kicho products: the KICHO Sheep Oil Cream Review and the Color Plant Brush Kit KICHO Cosmetics review, I had high expectations for the Camelia Sleeping Pack. So without further ado, lets get to the review! 

kicho sleeping pack

Photobucket The four major ingredients of the sleeping pack are camellia oil, rose water, fermented black ginseng and lanolin. 
Photobucket It moisturizes, soothes and protects skin from toxic substances. 
Photobucket If applied before going to bed, the result would be visible the next morning.
Photobucket Its creamy texture contains more nutrients compared to other types of sleeping pack.

kicho-indonesia-Camelia Sleeping Pack Set

The four major ingredients of the sleeping pack are camellia oil, rose water, fermented black ginseng and lanolin. Camellia oil is one of the most treasured secrets of the geisha. Camellia oil, also known as tsubaki oil, is rich in oleic acid and vitamins A, B, D and E as well as nourishing Omega 3, 6 and 9. 

Kicho Camelia Sleeping Pack

The molecular weight of the oil is an almost identical match for skin, allowing it to absorb quickly and thoroughly. Rose water refreshed and deeply moisturizes the skin from within. The Ginseng rejuvenates and brightens your skin; while the lanolin deeply nourishes and repairs your skin. I guess KICHO really loves their Lanolin. The last product I used from KICHO was a Sheep Oil cream (Lanolin cream).

kicho korean cosmetics review

First of all, wow the packaging! The entire box for the Camelia Sleeping Pack Set is covered in a gorgeous floral print from front to back with pretty gold accents and detailing along the middle. This is the most beautiful sleeping pack  packaging I've ever received!

kicho cosmetics review

You get 100ml of goodness in the white tube with golden cap. I imagined the product to have a gel-like consistency, but this one has more of a thick creamy consistency.

Read more BNT News ReviewHansaeng Cosmetics RIN Bi-gyeol Soo Cream Review

Camelia Sleeping Pack

How to use:
Use up to 3 – 4 times a week in the evening after cleansing and toning in lieu of a moisturizer. Apply by adding a dime size amount of product onto forehead, cheeks and chin. Using the brush, apply an even layer over your face. Rinse off in the morning.

BNTNews-KICHO Camelia Sleeping Pack

The Kicho Camelia Sleeping Pack Set comes with the Camelia Sleeping Pack and a gold Pack Brush. I really like the brush that came with this sleeping pack - it has very high quality & feels so good on skin. It allows me to apply the sleeping pack without getting any product on my hands. 

Kicho Camelia Sleeping Pack Review

It has a floral scent of which I can only assume is camellia. I mean, that would make sense, right?

This pale straw colored cream is not too different in texture in comparison to most night creams and moisturizers. but I find that once applied it keeps my skin well moisturized till morning. It doesn't feel sticky and there's no residue left when I wake up, but my skin feels very soft & nourished.

kicho review

My thoughts with these Kicho Camelia Sleeping Pack
 This sleeping pack set comes with a special applicator brush, which can be used to apply the mask.
 Convenient overnight leave-on mask
 Clarifies blemishes and breakouts
 Retains moisture and moisturizes
 Repairs skin and reduces signs of aging
 Softens skin texture and brightens tone

This product was provided to me by BNTnews for reviewing but as always, my reviews are honest and based on my own opinions and experience.

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