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O-lens French 3 Color Brown Circle Lens Review

O-lens French 3 Color Brown softlens

Here is my review for the O-lens French 3 Color Brown circle lens. I think these are one of the most lovely lenses I have ever worn, the pattern is AMAZING.

O-lens French 3 Color Brown

I get the lens from Pinkicon, which one is the largest online Korean color contact lens store based in Hongkong and provide over 300 different design of color lens. Besides selling softlens, they also sell wig, lashes, makeup and skincare.

PINKICON O-lens French 3 Color Brown

D.I.A: 14.50mm
B.C: 8.8mm
Water Content: 38%
Duration: Half Years
Origin: Korea
Color: Brown

O-lens French 3 Color Brown Circle Lens review

Color and Pattern 
As you can tell from the pictures, the lenses have a 3 tones color, dark brown ring, brown, and then gold on the inner ring. The pattern is not harsh at all, It doesn’t look scary on real life usage.

O-lens French 3 Color Brown Circle Lens

The lens is very thin and one of the most comfortable lenses I've worn! I’ve tried so far and it can give you a good 8 hours wear without any issues. 

O-lens French 3 Color Brown Circle Lens Review

These lenses give a natural enlargement, they're not too big to make you look creepy when wearing them . Since they're only 14.5mm I'm really pleased with them as they look bigger than other 14.5mm lenses. As you can see from the above photos, They look so natural because of the soft outer ring which is brown. 

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